Personal Recommendations for restaurants in or near Raleigh, Wake Forest, and NC RTP:
Michael Deans on Millbrook Rd in North Raleigh is the only restaurant in the area we consider as good or better than home cooking. ++++. jm Bias Factor: Biased towards home cooking.
Texas Steakhouse. Went there with some guests who were visiting from out of town. Experienced a bad attitude from the waitstaff who seemed to not want to serve people wearing blue jeans and leather jackets. Management did not handle the situation well. We ended up leaving before placing a food order. --. jm Bias Factor: Sorry, but I believe this is an honest assessment. Staff was wrong, and management could have handled the situation better.
There are no other recommendations for restaurants at this time.
If you have any personal recommendations about this or any other business category, please email a brief comment, whether it is positive or negative, and whether or not the recommendation is biased.